
M.C.Q. Question Bank

Sub: Geomorphology Question Bank Q.1. Multiple choice questions 1. the following is not a metamorphic rock a) Geneiss b) Conglomerate c) Quartzite d) Schist       2. ‘Mohorovicic discontinuity’ marks the boundary between...............        a) Core and crust    b) Asthenosphere and lithosphere c) Crust and the upper mantle d) Core and the mantle 3.  ....... is a  following is an example of a block mountain' a) Andes b) Aravalli c) Black Forest   d) Caucasus 4. During volcanic eruption deposition of lava in anticlines and synclines of folded mountains accounts for formation of.............. a) Phacolith   b)  Lopolith c)  Batholith d) Lacolith 5. When following fissures in the rocks, its both parts slide in front and one part slides over the oilier, the resulting feature is............. a) Lateral fault...

Last three years result

MadhaTalukaShikshanPrasarakMandal’s K N. Bhise Arts, Commerce and VinayakraoPatil Science College, Vidyanagar, Bhosare Department of Geography Result Academic Year No. of Students Appear No. of Students Pass First Class with Dist First Class Second Class Pass Class Percentage of Result Any Special Merits 2016-17  31  27  04  22 00  01  87.10  - 2017-18  34  32 05   19 01  01   94.10  - 2018-19  24  22  03  18  01  00  91.66  University Gold Medal

Department of Geography

MadhaTalukaShikshanPrasarakMandal’s K N. Bhise Arts, Commerce and VinayakraoPatil Science College, Vidyanagar, Bhosare Department of Geography               The department of Geography started after the establishment of the college in 1981. It has a devoted faculty, committed to the high standards of teaching. Both, theory and practical courses are being conducted in the department. Geography subject tough to B.A. B.Com an B.Sc. As a part of the practical course, the department organizes study tours at different places of Geographical interest in the country. The IDS subject being taught in the department. The department's commitment to basic and applied teaching encourages students to go for higher education as well as for Rresearch activities. Besides, Geography is one of the major subjects in various competitive examinations and hence, students find it useful to study for the preparation of the same. The department has one well-equippe...